Sunday, May 9, 2010

First attempts at Crysis for EXP3

I've been having a play with crysis to see how I can gerenate an environment similar to the image in my last post of Rainbow Valley. My first attempts are pretty dodgy, but hopefully I'll improve over time. I've tested some different surface textures, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, I'm trying to figure it out at the moment.

Rainbow Valley, NT

Guardian, "This is our story," (accessed 08/04/10)


During life, as the woman says, the crisis issue is overwhelmingly spread by most people. It is the activist, peacemaker and beloved women's rights advocates in the world that pose a threat to dominant people, as everywhere today the mose famous women are ensuring the stability of everyone else.

The New York Times, "Angela Merkel," (accessed 08/04/10)

Women's E-news, "Let's tell the full sory of great women," (accessed 08/04/10)

Glamour Vanity, "Miranda Kerr," (accessed 08/04/10)

1 Pt Perspectives

EXP2 - FileFront link

Monday, May 3, 2010

EXP2 Submission - 5 Real Time Images

My electroliquid aggregation quote (Hawkings/Darwin) implied that the universe only exists not because it is strong, but because it is adaptable to change. The labs in the landscape (below) are situated so that Darwin's lab comes up from the water (representing evolution) and Hawkings' lab reaches up to the sky (representing a search into the universe).

The image below is the view from within Hawkings' lab down towards the ocean where Darwin's lab is.

The image below is from the roof of Darwin's lab, up towards where Hawkings' lab is, looking into the night sky. Although Darwin's lab has a focus into the evolution of existence, it can not avoid projecting into the future of the universe.

The image below is from underwater outside Darwin's lab, where you can look up and still see majority of the structure.

The image below is from the meeting place, looking back toward the labs. The meeting space is on top of a mount, and reaches back to the labs via two ramp hills. The ramps reach out into seperate directions to represent a cross road, one looking into existance from an evolutionary angle, the other looking into the universe.

EXP2 Submission - The 36 Custom Textures

EXP2 Submission - The 18 Sketch Axonometrics

Hawkings & Darwin

It is the most intelligent goal, the understanding if a complete species that survives. My universe, as it is, is not of the strongest. Why it is that it survives and why it exists at all is simple. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

EXP2 Submission - The Three Quotes

"My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all."

- Steven Hawking as quoted by John Boslough, Steven Hawking's Universe (New York: Avon Books, 1985), 77.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."

- Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (London: Murray: 1900).

"Two billion people around the world have no access to reliable electricity. Imagine if this could be provided with energy that was both cheap and green."

- Australian Museum, "Eureka,: (accessed 22/04/10)